Thursday, October 11, 2018

Need To Grow Your Repair business But Are Short On Cash?

Low On Cash To Help Expand Your Repair Business?

Have you been saying to yourself, "If you could get a few more repair customers a week, I would actually make a decent living." However, how do you go about getting those extra customers on a tight or limited budget?

Traditional advertising doesn't seem to work, and setting up a website did not produce any new customers. Besides, if you get more customers, you have to hire another technician in order to manage servicing your clients, and that will cost you too much money. So how in the world can you do it. Maybe you are in the wrong type of business, or maybe not?

G Suite Can Give Your Small Business The Boost That It Needs Now!

One of the most over looked, low cost small business investments by most repair service operations is organization. A lot of small repair shops out there have a great owner/operator technician, but many times the owner needs to run his/her business in a more organized fashion.

That is where G Suite comes in. It is the type of small business investment that can help triple profits with a very small investment.

How Your Business Flows Impacts Your Cash Flow And G Suite Can Help!

G Suite Can Help You Work Smarter To Help You Increase The Money Coming In!

Find out how you can take a tiny investment on G Suite and turn it into a massive cash flow machine for your small business. The investment is so low that you would be crazy not to try it. Go on, go for it. You can thank me later!

For a Tiny Monthly Fee You Can Increase Your Cash Flow. Try G Suite Now!

#Gmail, #GoogleCalendar, #GSuite  

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Let's Face It, If Patients Had Another Way To Pay For Healthcare Insurance

Let's be honest now, if patients had another affordable means to pay for their healthcare, they would never use the services of health insurance.

Insurance companies exist to make a profit. They have no interest on patient's good health. They do everything to deter patient's from using their services. They routinely deny claims, they often times make it difficult for patients to get the care they need by putting extra documentation demands to approve coverage. They pay the claims that they want, and often leave the patients and the medical practitioners hanging.

Personally, I have had to spend hours on the phone talking to insurance companies and fighting to get them to approve coverage for care. It is ridiculous!

Help Your Patients Afford Your Medical Care

Find Out How You Can Help Your Patients Afford Your Services

Because the documentation burden they put on physicians and other medical practitioners is so high, often times medical practitioners are forced to offer patients financially driven alternatives, for fear of placing financial burden on their patients. After all, physicians  and healthcare practitioners know that  if the insurance company refuses to pay for a procedure, the patient will ultimately have to be responsible for paying. Since they know from experience what insurance carriers will pay for in advance, they refrain from ordering certain procedures or treatments, for fear of claim denial.

So you the doctor or therapist are looking out for your patients, but when it comes to dealing with insurance carriers your hands are tied.

Regardless of Specialty You Can Provide Patient Financing

You Better than Anyone are Positioned to Help Your Patients and Your Practice

Of course, because of your busy schedules and the fact that insurance companies have the power on this situation, many doctors and other medical practitioners just deal with the facts and sign up with insurance provider networks. However, there is a way for you to break the chains of control from the insurance carriers, as well as help your patients afford the care that they need.

The way to regain your clinical freedom is by setting up a patient payment plan for your practice. There are many companies out there that offer patient care financing out there, but many of them make it harder than what it needs to be. However, setting up health care financing is certainly the way to go, if you no longer want insurance companies dictating how you treat your patients.

Help Your Patients and Your Practice Break the Cycle

The Insurance Company Abuses Can Be Stopped By You!

Get rid of excessive documentation and claims denials once and for all! Don’t let insurance companies dictate your care plan. You are the expert. You should be the one who determines what your patient needs. If you are ready to make a change; if you are ready to take control of the situation go to to get more information.

#physicaltherapist #occupationaltherapist #physician #acupuncturist #healthcare